A great gift filled with shelf stable, delicious, local mushroom items. Customer favorites that everyne enjoys.
Our Lion's Mane Dip Mix- Made with our grown and dried Lion's Mane this dip when prepared taste just like the traditional hot crab dip - Mix with ingredients listed, bake and serve with our favorite crackers and enjoy.
Our Mushroom Dip and Seasoning Mix - great to add to your soups and casseroles or make the recipe on the back for an amazing hot mushroom dip. Resealable to use multiple times. Made with our grown and dried Portabella mushrooms.
Our Portabella Tapenade- a delicous tapenade made with white and crimini , portabella mushrooms simplyspread ona samdwhich or try the two recipes included for an easy and yummy appetizer and a tasty and simple soup.
Local, exclusive and delicious you can't go wrong with this gift priced for gift giving for anyone on your list.
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