Very excited to introduce our new gift box just in time for the holiday season. All locally made.
Our exclusive Lion's Mane coffee made locally in West Chester, Pa with our grown and dried Lion's Mane mushrooms
Our Swedish Dish Cloth with all the varieties of fresh mushrooms we grow and perfect for all your kitchen cleaning. Reuse.
Our Mushroom Dip & Seasoning Mix- delicious hot dip recipe to make multiple times or add to your soups and casserole
Our Lion's Mane Dip Mix - tastes just like a hot crab Dip
Our Exclusive Portabella Tapenade with 2 yummy recipes
Our Shiitake Noodle Soup Mix made locally with our grown and dried shiitake mushrooms
Finished off with a cute felt mushroom ornament .
A great local gift.
Kennett "Square" Gift Box